Starter Inventory Troubleshooting
Project Migration
Here is a step by step on project files migration. I'd suggest for this test to make and use a new project. then once that is working, perform it again do it again into your actual game.
Create a new blueprint project, select "blank", and create that project.
- Now return to the StarterInventory and Assets Project, Navigate to the content folder, Select the Starter Inventory And Items folder, right click and select "Migrate", then press OK.
- Navigate to the content folder of your new Project and select "open"
- You should see a message that migration has been successful.
- Next Open your new project, The FirstPersonCharacter blueprint is expecting some input mappings in order to move & interact so we need to create them in this project (you can open this blueprint at StarterInventory>FirstPerson>Blueprints>FirstPersonCharacter and see which ones are missing from the project).
- Open ProjectSettings>InputMappings
- Create an Action mapping named "Interact"
- Create an Action Mapping Named "Inventory"
- Now create the mappings for general movement
- Now we just need to hook up player movement, in the same location ProjectSettings>InputMappings
- Create an Input Mapping named MoveForward map to "W" with a value of 1.0
- Create another Mapping in this group, map to "S" with a value of -1.0
- Create an Input Mapping named MoveRight map to "D" with a value of 1.0
- Create another Mapping in this group, map to "A" with a value of -1.0
- Create an Input Mapping named "Turn" map to "Mouse X"
- Create an Input Mapping named "LookUp" map to "Mouse Y"
- Create an Input Mapping named MoveForward map to "W" with a value of 1.0
- Return to your FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint and Compile. You should see the warnings go away for the input mappings you have just created (some warnings will still appear for jumping, shooting, the controller input etc. you can hook those up if you like but are not required.)
- If you have not already, open the example map StarterInventory>Maps>StarterInventoryExampleMap
- Play the Game, and ideally, everything should be working as expected in a new project.